UK Thousands Eligible for £442 In 2024 Free Supermarket Vouchers

Suppose you are a Universal Credit claimant or receive other benefits. In that case, you may be eligible to receive free supermarket vouchers through the NHS Healthy Start Scheme, potentially worth hundreds of pounds. This initiative aims to provide crucial support to families with young children and pregnant women who are on low incomes. Here’s everything you need to know about the scheme, its eligibility requirements, and how to apply.

UK Thousands Eligible for £442 In 2024 Free Supermarket Vouchers

UK Thousands Eligible for £442 In 2024

The NHS Healthy Start Scheme is a government program designed to help low-income families and pregnant women access essential, healthy food. Through this scheme, eligible families receive vouchers that can be used to purchase nutritious items such as:

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  • Milk
  • Infant formula
  • Fresh, frozen, or tinned fruits and vegetables

These vouchers financially boost families, helping them maintain a healthy diet for themselves and their children during critical developmental stages.

Eligibility Criteria

The amount of support you can receive depends on your circumstances. Based on the child’s age, eligible claimants can receive weekly top-ups of £4.25 or £8.50. Here’s a breakdown of who can apply:

General Eligibility

You may qualify for the scheme if you:

  • Are at least 10 weeks pregnant, or
  • Have a child who is under 4 years old, and
  • Receive any of the following benefits:
    • Income Support
    • Universal Credit
    • Working Tax Credit run-on (without receiving Child Tax Credit)
    • Pension Credit, including the child addition

Specific Eligibility for Pregnant Women

If you are pregnant, additional criteria apply. You can also qualify if you meet the following conditions:

  • You are at least 10 weeks pregnant and either:
    • Under 18 years old and not receiving any benefits, or
    • Receiving Child Tax Credit (but not Working Tax Credit) and have an annual family income of £16,190 or less, or
    • Receiving income-related Employment and Support Allowance (ESA)

How to Apply

Applications for the NHS Healthy Start Scheme can be made easily by email or phone. You can check the full eligibility criteria and apply directly through the NHS Healthy Start website.

Expert Opinions on the Scheme

Consumer rights and food policy expert Sue Davies, from Which?, highlights the importance of this scheme for struggling families:

“The Healthy Start scheme has great potential to support low-income families facing the ongoing cost of living crisis. Unfortunately, millions of pounds’ worth of support is left unclaimed due to poor awareness. We believe the government needs to expand the scheme and increase its value. Additionally, supermarkets can play a critical role by promoting the scheme more effectively and offering extra top-ups to those who need them.”

Davies also stresses the importance of clear pricing in supermarkets to ensure that customers using these vouchers can get the best value for their money. She calls for more affordable food ranges, particularly in communities that need them most.


The NHS Healthy Start Scheme is vital for low-income families and pregnant women, providing financial support to buy essential healthy foods. Understanding the eligibility criteria and applying for this support can help ensure your family has access to nutritious options during tough financial times. If you meet the qualifications, don’t miss these valuable benefits.

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