South Africa Points Based Work Visa for Remote Workers

South Africa has introduced a new points-based work visa program aimed at enticing remote workers. This initiative permits foreign workers to reside in the country while continuing to work for overseas companies. The primary objective is to stimulate economic growth by attracting highly skilled professionals.


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South Africa Points-Based Work Visa

The Home Affairs Minister, Leon Schreiber, has declared that the updated work visa regulations have been completed and will be implemented within the next 30 days. Under the new system, individuals who are employed and remunerated by companies based outside of South Africa will be permitted to reside in the country and utilize their foreign earnings within the local economy.

Key Features of the System

  1. Eligibility: Foreign employees can reside in South Africa while earning their salary abroad.
  2. Tax Registration: Remote workers who stay in the country for more than six months annually must register with South Africa’s tax agency.
  3. Benefits: According to Minister Schreiber, workers can enjoy South Africa’s favourable climate and lifestyle while using their foreign income locally.

Streamlined Visa Process

The Department of Home Affairs has made significant progress in reducing the visa processing backlog, resulting in a more efficient application process. This improvement is a welcome development as previous delays not only led to economic setbacks but also resulted in lawsuits. The efforts to streamline the visa processing system are showing positive results, benefiting both applicants and the overall immigration process.

Appeal for Remote Workers

The new visa is anticipated to draw in remote workers because of South Africa’s alluring lifestyle, reasonable living expenses, and advantageous tax conditions. The nation’s varied landscapes, vibrant culture, and low cost of living make it an attractive and sought-after destination for numerous individuals looking to relocate for remote work opportunities.

Other Work Visa Options in South Africa

  • Critical Skills Work Visa: This visa is for workers with specialized skills essential to South Africa’s economy.
  • General Work Visa: For those employed by South African companies.
  • Intra-Company Transfer Visa: This is for employees transferring to South African branches of foreign companies.
  • Temporary Residence Visa: This is for those seeking temporary employment or business opportunities in the country.

Each visa has different criteria, so finding the one best suited to the individual’s needs is essential.

Economic Impact

The new points-based visa system is anticipated to have a significant impact on South Africa’s economy. It is designed to draw in highly skilled professionals without depending on obsolete critical skills lists. Studies suggest that by attracting an extra 11,000 workers with tertiary education annually, there could be a potential 1.2% increase in economic growth and a 1.3% annual boost in tax revenues.

Government Objectives

South Africa is committed to integrating various strategies into its comprehensive plan to stimulate economic growth and reduce unemployment. This includes efforts to attract and incorporate a skilled and diverse global workforce and improve the efficiency of its visa application processes.


South Africa has introduced a new points-based work visa tailored for remote workers, signifying a change in its stance towards the international labour market. The visa streamlines the application process and offers clear advantages, aiming to spur economic development and entice highly skilled professionals to choose South Africa as their work destination.

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