Expression of Interest NGOs & NPOs Organisation Funding 2024/2025 – Closing Date: 13 October 2024

Closing Date: 13 October 2024

The Health and Welfare Sector Education and Training Authority (HWSETA) invites all registered NGOs and NPOs in the Health and Welfare sector to apply for the 2024-2025 funding initiative.

Expression of Interest NGOs & NPOs Organisation Funding 2024/2025 – Closing Date: 13 October 2024

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Expression of Interest NGOs & NPOs Organisation Funding

All applicants must complete the following sections:

  • Section A – Details of Employer
  • Section B – Authorisation Form

Details of the NGOs & NPOs Funding Project

The NGOs & NPOs Grant aims to train organisations in the sector on the Governance for NPOs programme. This programme is designed for:

  • NPOs that received funding from HWSETA to improve their governance.
  • NPOs that did not qualify for funding due to non-compliance with governance requirements.

Programme Requirements

  • Participating organisations must submit proof of internal training/workshops with their staff to ensure information gained is cascaded to the rest of the staff.

Host Organisation

  • HWSETA will identify a credible and compliant NGO/NPO to host other participating NGOs/NPOs.
  • HWSETA will determine the recruitment scope, specifications, and performance information required from the contracted organisation.
  • Implementation will be monitored at both provincial and head office levels.

Funding Details for Employers

Eligibility Criteria

  • Employers must be registered with HWSETA.
  • Employers must have submitted a Workplace Skills Plan (WSP) and Annual Training Report (ATR) for the 2024-2025 financial year by 31 May 2024 (including those granted an extension).
  • Participating organisations must provide:
    • Proof of NPO registration certificate.
    • Letter of good standing from the Department of Social Development.
    • Valid tax clearance/PIN.
    • Valid registration status throughout the project implementation.

Application Submission

  • Applications must be submitted on the SETA application portal by the due date.
  • All required attachments must accompany the application.

Qualifying Criteria

The organisation must:

  • Ensure all applications comply with funding requirements.
  • Submit a comprehensive project proposal detailing the approach and methodology to achieve desired results.
  • Provide at least 3 references (written letters on official letterhead, not older than five years) from clients where similar services were provided.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of the regulatory framework, including the General Laws Act 22 of 2022 (Anti-Money Laundering and Combating of Terrorism Financing Act) and FATF Recommendation 8 as it relates to the NPO sector (provide 2 references).
  • Demonstrate previous experience in Governance for NPOs for executives and directors of non-profit companies (provide at least 2 references).
  • Possess an understanding of the civil society/NPO sector in South Africa and demonstrate the capacity to achieve desired outputs.

HWSETA’s Rights

HWSETA reserves the right to withdraw approval if:

  • The information provided in the application form is not true and correct.
  • The employer does not adhere to any of the requirements laid down by HWSETA.

Vertical Table: Key Dates and Requirements


Closing Date
13 October 2024
WSP and ATR Submission
By 31 May 2024
Proof of Registration
NPO registration certificate, letter of good standing, valid tax clearance/PIN
Application Portal
SETA application portal



The HWSETA’s funding initiative for NGOs and NPOs in the Health and Welfare sector is a valuable opportunity for organisations to enhance their governance and operational capabilities.

By participating in this programme, organisations can ensure better compliance with governance standards and improve their overall effectiveness. Interested organisations are encouraged to apply before the closing date and ensure all requirements are met to take full advantage of this funding opportunity.

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